Hjem » The first results from IMPRESS-Norway have been published!

The first results from IMPRESS-Norway have been published!

In a recently published short report in Acta Oncologica, the IMPRESS team presents the first preliminary results from IMPRESS-Norway. The report covers all patients who received treatment between April 2021 and October 2023. A total of 358 patients have been offered treatment in IMPRESS-Norway during this period, and of these, 186 have started treatment. The preliminary results show that 40% of the evaluable patients (i.e., patients whose disease progression can be measured after 16 weeks of treatment) have clinical benefit according to the protocol (stable disease or better at week 16). Looking at all patients who started treatment more than 16 weeks ago, 34% have clinical benefit. You can download the full article for free here.

The article has 84 co-authors, reflecting the large network of clinicians and healthcare professionals involved in IMPRESS-Norway.

Results from the European network of studies

IMPRESS-Norway is part of a European network of similar studies through the EU projects PRIME-ROSE and PCM4EU. In the same issue of Acta Oncologica, articles about PRIME-ROSE and PCM4EU have also been published, which you can download here. Results from the Finnish study FINPROVE, which you can download here, and the Dutch study DRUP, which you can find here, have also been published.